St. James Calvery Cemetery, Lee, Illinois
 St. James Calvery Cemetery, Lee, Illinois
 Cox, Charles 1915 - 2001, Mercedes 1916 -
 Fay Quinn 1910 - 1991 [wife of Frederick Cox], Frederick A. [Cox]1905 - 1951 son of George and Ellen Cox
 Meryl Edmund 1909 - 1997, Charlotte Swiatek 1906 - 1983 [wife of Meryl Cox] son of George and Ellen Cox
 Regina Cox Knight 1923 - , William G. Knight 1922 - daughter of George and Ellen Cox
 Mother Ellen S. 1877 - 1953 [wife of George W. Cox], Father George W. [Cox] 1873 - 1942, Son George W. [Cox] 1907 - 1998
 Karin Cox Conley, Beloved Wife and Daughter, 16 Jan 1969 - 27 Dec 1997 [Daughter of Frederick and Marion Cox]
 Nancy Cox, 4 Mar - 25 May 1936 [Daughter of Frederick and Fay Cox]