West Fork Cemetery near Dougherty, Iowa. Evelyn Davis and I had just been to a Miller Family Reunion and on the way home she took me here to show me some of the gravesites of the Millers and Hammonds.
 Hammond, Agnes S. 1881 - 1928, Mother
 Hammond, Frank E. 1917 - 1939
 Hammond, Frank, Born Donegal Ireland 31 Oct 1873, Died 27 Jan 1906
 Hammond, George and Cassie family burial plot
 Hammond, George 1869 - 1940, Father [son of John and Margaret Miller Hammond]
 Hammond, Cassie 1879 - 1951, Mother [wife of George Hammond]
 Hammond, George David 1913 - 1973 [son of George and Cassie McKee Hammond]
 Hammond, Margrat, Died 4 --- 1909, At her home, 67 Years 4 Ms. 21 Ds. [wife of John Hammond and mother to George, Fannie, Robert, Belle, Francis,Alex, Matthew, Ellen, Rebecca and possibly Eddie]
 Hammond, Margrat, Died 4 --- 1909, At her home, 67 Years 4 Ms. 21 Ds.
 Hershey, Janice M. Buss, 1940 - Hershey, Russell D., U.S. Army Korea, 1933 - 1998 [Married] 30 Dec 1968
 Maxwell, Nellie E. Wife of John A. Maxwell, 27 Dec 1890 - 2 Feb 1912
 Miller, Andrew, Died 26 Sept 1906, Aged 70 Years Miller, Fannie, Died 8 June 1906, Aged 72 Years Evelyn Thompson Davis standing next to the stone
 Miller, Andrew, Died 26 Sept 1906, Aged 70 Years Miller, Fannie, Died 8 June 1906, Aged 72 Years
 Miller, Andrew, Died 26 Sept 1906, Aged 70 Years Miller, Fannie, Died 8 June 1906, Aged 72 Years
 Miller, Andrew, Died 26 Sept 1906, Aged 70 Years
 Miller, Fannie, Died 8 June 1906, Aged 72 Years
 Miller, Fannie, Died 8 June 1906, Aged 72 Years, Mother [A place is vacant in our home?] Which never can be filled The voice we loved is still
 Miller, Cyrus C., CO. C. 15th ILL. REGT., Died 28 May 1893, Aged 66 Y'rs 1 Mo. 25 D's. He fought the fight, The victory won And entered into rest
 Miller, Cyrus C., CO. C. 15th ILL. REGT., Died 28 May 1893, Aged 66 Y'rs 1 Mo. 25 D's.
 Miller, Cyrus C., CO. C. 15th ILL. REGT., Died 28 May 1893, Aged 66 Y'rs 1 Mo. 25 D's. He fought the fight, The victory won And entered into rest
 Miller, Jane, Wife of C. C. Miller, 3 May 1841 - 24 Dec 1907
 Miller, son of C. C. & J. R. Miller, Born 28 May 1883, Died 7 May 1899
 Miller, C. C. & Jane R. Miller, 16 Mar 1871 - 26 Dec 1908
 Miller, Mary E., 3 Sept 1869 - 20 July 1937 Their Granddaughter, Beverly A. Woodley, 2 May 1930 - 20 July 1937 Miller, Frank, 10 Nov 1870 - 27 July 1956
 Woodley, Margaret F. 1903 - 1997 Woodley, Ray 1894 - 1967, Veteran World War I
