Vegors Cemetery, near Homer in Hamilton County was founded in 1849. Located on a ridge near the Boone River, it commands a beautiful view of the valley on the south side. To the north are fields. The entrance road is hard to navigate in bad weather.
 Martin E. Nass prepared a bit of history of this area that you might enjoy reading. Here's the link. It also tells the story of Mrs. Jno. H. Lott's death. A monument was erected to her memory in 1911.
 Dingman, Sarah A. 1861 - 1884
 Eslick, Francis M., Died 2 June 1855, Aged 43 Y's 1 m'o 23 d's. Sleep on loved one let none disturb you Sleep till jesus bids you rise, Then with all gods ransomed people, I will meet you in the skies. [This is one of my favorite photos of a tombstone, plus I love the script.]
 Larson, David J. 1940 - 1975
 Lott, Mrs. Jno. H. Lott, Died Jan. 1849 From Exposure of Indian Raid. First White Woman Settler in Webster Co. [Link to the story of her death and from the 1880 Boone County History book at IaGenWeb.]
 Pearce, Joseph, Born 19 Sept 1808; Died 26 June 1886. Dear is the spot where Christians sleep, And sweet the strains that angels pour;O, why should we in anguish weep? They are not lost, but gone before.
 Pearce, Joseph, Born 19 Sept 1808; Died 26 June 1886. Dear is the spot where Christians sleep, And sweet the strains that angels pour;O, why should we in anguish weep? They are not lost, but gone before.
 Pierce, Raymond, Son of T. G. & M. M. Pierce, Died 26 Mar 1896, Aged 10 Y 11 M 6 D
 Pierce, William 1813 - 1870, Father Pierce, Permelia His Wife 1814 - 1905
 Here in 1960 were Reburied the Bones of Several Prehistoric People of this Region who were originally Buried as a 'Bundle' on a Hilltop Southeast of the Mouth of the Boone River
 This Memorial Marks The Most Northerly of Five Indian Mounds in This Cemetery. Donated 1960 by E. H. Hawbaker
 The tall stone monument in the back marks the most Northerly of the five Indian Mounds. Mound #1. Croonquist, Bernard, 21 Dec 1925 - [6 Aug 2004]
 Indian Mound #2
 Indian Mound #3
 Indian Mound #4 and 5
 Looking north over several of the Indian Mounds.
 Mrs. Jno. H. Lott's tombstone is the large white stone in the center.
 Marsha Pressler reading one of the stones.
 The view overlooks the Boone River valley.
 One can't help but feel the peace and love of a Father in heaven.
 Daughter, Marsha Pressler,
 and father, Albert Middleton.
 I think he enjoyed this trip as much as Marsha and I.
 One parting shot before leaving.