The town of Lourdes is located in Howard County. The Catholic church is across the road and up a block or two from the cemetery. There are three entrances, this is the entrance on the north side.
 I had gotten to the cemetery late in the day as I hadn't planned on visiting this cemetery until the last minute, hence, all the sunset photos.
 This is the center entrance which takes you to the Crucifixion at the end of the rows of trees.

 Hrstka, Virgil J. 1924 - 1987 Hrstka, Fred 1885 - 1938, Father Hrstka, Gladys Marie 1922 [d. 21 Mar 1922, aged 7 days] Hrstka, Lee F. 1923 - 1987
 Hrstka, Virgil J. 1924 - 1987 Hrstka, Fred 1885 - 1938, Father Hrstka, Gladys Marie 1922 [d. 21 Mar 1922, aged 7 days] Hrstka, Lee F. 1923 - 1987
 Kubik, Alois F. 1914 - 1995 Kubik, Anastasia C. 1906 - 1998
 Kubik, Anton 1875 - 1955 Kubik, Eleanora 1882 - 1954 The Lord is My Shepherd
 Machovec, Anton J. 1874 - 1947 Machovec, Frances M. 1881 - 1956
 Musel, Charles 1897 - 1964
 Musel, Edward 1907 - 1993
 Musel, James 1869 - 1944, Father Musel, Paul 1914, Son Musel, Francis 1876 - 1944, Mother
 Prochaska, Frank C. 1894 - 1982 Prochaska, Anastacia M. 1895 - 1966
 Urban, Cletus R. 1915 - 1971 Urban, Wenzel 1907 - 1992
 Urban, Frank, 31 Mar 1879 - 16 July 1936
 Urban, Joseph J., 10 Mar 1877 - 16 Aug 1934
 Urban, Louis W. 1884 - 1972 Urban, Mary K. 1884 - 1958
 Urban, Wenzel, 28 Sept 1839 - 19 Dec 1919, Father Urban, Mary, 25 Mar 1848 - 8 Dec 1944
