Caldwell, R., Died 24 Dec 1892, Aged 54 Ys. 4 Ds., At Rest Woodmen of the World Dum Taget Clanat [translated "Though silent, he speaks"]
 Caldwell, Robert C. 1883 - 1956
 Caldwell, Belle, Died 29 Jan 1897, Aged 35 Ys 9 Ms 17 Ds
 Caldwell, Belle, Died 29 Jan 1897, Aged 35 Ys 9 Ms 17 Ds
 Hanft, C. Edward, 22 Oct 1871 - 28 Dec 1909 Hanft, Katharine E., 14 Aug 1873 - 16 Mar 1895 Gone But Not Forgotten
 McCurley, Helen A. 1847 - 1934 McCurley, John V., Died 12 June 1892, Aged 53 Ys. & 5 Ds.