St. Joseph Cemetery is located just east of Chelsea, on the south side of the road. These pictures were all taken at sunset so I did not have much time to take very many photos. The flash did not do the stones justice so I hope you will find these useful anyway. For more names and dates in this cemetery go to the IaGenWeb site for Tama County.
 In 1863 a group of pioneers bought four acres of land about seven miles northwest of the present town of Chelsea, to be used as a Catholic cemetery. Mathias Musel advanced the money for this purchase. In about 1862 the railroad that was pushed west from Clinton through DeWitt and Cedar Rapids reached Chelsea. The town of Chelsea developed around the railroad station and tracks. This left the church (which was about 1 mile west of Chelsea)too far from town. In 1878 the cemetery was moved to the present site because of water in the lowlands. In 1880 the people with their priest decided to build a new church in town...which was dedicated to St. Joseph. [taken from the History of Tama County, 1987, pg. 90, by D. Sheda]
 The reflection of the sunset and a neighboring tombstone provides a very nice image on the back of this stone.
 Andrle, Marrie 1861 - 1922 Andrle, John 1856 - 1932
 Behounek, Agnes H. 1885 - 1975 Behounek, Charles A. 1877 - 1960
 Behounek, Fredy
 Hanzelka, Anna, Wife of Martin Skarda II, 1828 - 8 July 1880
 Hrstkova and Musel family burial plot
 Hrstkova, Marije
 Hrstkova, Marije
 Krsek, Marie Anna, Rozena 25 Brez 1857, Zemrela 26 Rij. 1913
 Krsek, Marie Anna, Rozena 25 Brez 1857, Zemrela 26 Rij. 1913
 Kubik, Mayme E., 14 Aug 1900 - 22 June 1988
 Kupka, charles 1889 - 1977 Kupka, Agnes F. 1893 - 1960
 Kupka, Walter A. 1920 - 1935
 Macha, Barbara 1886 - 1976 [4 Nov 1886 - Apr 1976] Macha, Thomas 1880 - 1967 [19 Nov 1881 - Jun 1967]
[The sunset was very pretty which I was trying to record when I took this shot. The picture was a failure but since I could read the Macha and Stanek stones decided to include this picture on this page. Dates in the brackets are from the Soc. Sec. Death Index.]
 Musel, Albert and Anna family burial plot
 Musel, Albert 1847 - 1922 Musel, Anna 1849 - 1925
 Musel, Anna [daughter of Albert and Anna Musel, died July 1882, aged 5 years and 10 months.]
 Musel, Edward, 3 Mar 1903 - 19 Feb 1987
 Musel, Mary 1879 - 1963 Musel, Frank 1877 - 1952
 Musel, Anna C. 19 June 1902 - 15 Feb 1874 Musel, Fred L. 1 July 1898 - 6 Dec 1989 Married 26 Dec 1921, Parents of Bernard, Donald, Beatrice, Robert, Sharlene
 Musel, James H. 4 Sept 1894 - 19 Sept 1958 Musel, Julia E. 16 Jan 1899 - 30 Oct 1990 Hail Mary Full of Grace The Lord is With Thee
 Musel, Jan, Roz. vRoku 1838, Zem 25 Pros. 1924
 Musel, Frantiska, Roz. vRoku 1848, Zem 12 Brez. 1935 [wife of Jan Musel]
 Musel, Josef family burial plot
 Musel, Josef, Nar. 1851, Zem 1924, Odpocivej v pokojr
 Musel, Mary 1875 - 1953
 Musil, Matej
 Musil, Matej
 Musil, Matej
 Musel, Michael C. 1857 - 1948 Musel, Kathryn 1862 - 1933 Perpetual Care
 Musel, Michael C. 1857 - 1948 Musel, Kathryn 1862 - 1933 Perpetual Care
 Musil, Marie 1819 - 1910 Musil, Frank 1813 - 1906
 Musil, Marie 1799 - 1901
 Polka, Mayme 1898 - 2000 Polka, Joe 1897 - 1975 Parents of Mildred Marie and Marjorie
 Polka, Marjorie S. 1929 - 19[34?]
 Prusha, Amos, 10 Dec 1885 - 3 Sept 1956
 Prusha, Charles and Agnes family burial plot
 Prusha, Chas. W. 1881 - 1930
 Prusha, Agnes 1881 - 1969 [nee Kubu]
 Prusha, Frank 1854 - 1910
 Prusha, Fred and Agnes family burial plot
 Prusha, Fred W., 6 July 1874 - 3 Sept 1953
 Prusha, Agnes M., 8 May 1882 - 13 Sept 1959
 Prusha, Anna 1861 - 1934 Prusha, Joseph 1857 - 1922
 Skarda, Johanna 1852 - 1933, Matka Skarda, Josef 1849 - 1905, Otec
 Skarda, Julie [1891 - 1905, dau. of Josef and Johanna Skarda]
 Skarda, Julie [1891 - 1905, dau. of Josef and Johana Skarda]
 Skarda, Josephine 1906 - 1992 Skarda, Louis J. 1900 - 1946
 Skarda, Vencil M.
 Stanek, Edward 1896 - 1989 [4 Mar 1895 - 19 Dec 1989] Stanek, Sylvia 1905 - 1997 [28 Sep 1905 - 15 Apr 1997]
[The sunset was very pretty which I was trying to record when I took this shot. The picture was a failure but since I could read the Macha and Stanek stones decided to include this picture on this page. Dates in the brackets are from the Soc. Sec. Death Index.]
 Stanek, Frank and Marie family burial plot
 Stanek, Frank, [Died 3 Oct 1917 at the age of 72yr 11mo]
 Stanek, Marie, [Died 5 Jan 1928 at the age of 83yr]
 Stanek, Frantisek family burial plot
 Stanek, Frantisek, Rozen 25 List. 1818, Zemrel 11 Rijun 1899
 Stanek, Frantisek family stone
 Stanek, John 1880 - 1969
 Zhorne, Mary 1885 - 1975

 Just beyond the line of trees lies the town of Chelsea.
 God's love never fails.