St. Vaclav Cemetery (also known as St. Wenceslaus) is located west of the town of Clutier, having its beginnings in 1899 when four acres of land were purchased from Michael Chizek. One acre was used for the church and parish house and three for the cemetery. The church and cemetery remain.
 The first burial was that of Elisha Stepanek who died 23 Aug 1898. The next burial was in 1899, Ludmilla Stepanek who died 22 June, an infant. It is reported that John and Anna Vorba Stepanek are the parents and buried next to these children but on the 1900 census Anna records that she had 5 children and all are alive. Frank and Sophia Stepanek are also possible parents. Sophia records she has been married for 4 years to John, has 3 chidren and 2 are alive. The children alive are ages 9 years and 7 years. I would suggest that she is the mother of Ludmilla but further research is needed. [Some information came from Tama County History, 1987, pg. 95, article written by Marie K. Vileta]
 St. Vaclav or St. Wenceslaus Church was completed in December 1900 and the first mass was held Christmas Day 1900. The first baptism also took place at this time which was Charles Svoboda. First weddings were between Ed Kustin and Frances Brestan and also Frank Yuska and Marie Salesek. [Informatioin came from the Tama County History, 1987, pg. 94, article written by Mary Kubik]
 Bures, Josef and a living Buresh descendant.
 Bures, Josef, Zemrel 25 Lis. 1904 v. Stari 65 Roku, Zde Odpociva
 Bures, Josefa Frantiska, Roz v Zem 15 Ledna 1913, DITKO
 Bures, Josefa Frantiska, Roz v Zem 15 Ledna 1913, DITKO
 Buresh, Joe F. 1886 - 1965 Buresh, Frances 1888 - 1963
 Buresh, Joseph J. 1915 - 2007
 Caslavka, Frank 1879 - 1962 Caslavka, Louise 1886 - 1979 Caslavka, Marguerite 1906 - 1907
 Chalupnik, Jan and Anna family burial plot
 Chalupnik, Joseph K., Nar. 4 Prosince 1878 - Zem. 25 Cervence 1957, Zde odpociva
 Chalupnik, Anna J. K., Nar. 14 Cervna 1889 - Zem. 11 Srpna 1939, Zde odpociva
 Chalupnik, Christine M., Nar. 29 Cervence 1894 - Zem. 3 Ledna 1984, Zde odpociva
 Chalupnik, Jan, Nar. 13 Zari 1848 - Zem 8 Ledna 1926, Zde odpociva
 Chalupnik, Anna, Nar. 25 Kretna 1852 - Zem. 24 Cervna 1933, Zde odpiciva
 Chalupnik, Joseph, Zemrel 3 Leden 1931, vStari 79 Roku. Chalupnik, Zofie, Zemrela 12 Lis. 1908, vStari 44 Roku.
 Chamra, Frank and Anna family burial plot
 Chamra, Frank L. 1879 - 1946, Father
 Chamra, Anna E. 1876 - 1958, Mother
 Chamra, Lucille L. 1912 - 1925, Daughter
 Cizek, Charles 1896 - 1996 Cizek, Albina 1902 - 1994
 Cizek, Frank B. 1882 - 1966 Cizek, Mary 1886 - 1951
 Cizek, Fred W. 26 Nov 1880 - 1 Apr 1945 Cizek, Celia 22 Nov 1886 - 24 Dec 1969 Married 9 Oct 1905
 Cizek, Fred 1896 - 1974 Cizek, Emma 1896 - 1987
 Cizek, John and Anna family burial plot
 Cizek, John 1853 - 1925, Father
 Cizek, Anna 1860 - 1926, Mother
 Cizek, Julia R. 1898 - 1945
 Cizek, Mike 1865 - 1942 Cizek, Bessie 1872 - 1956
 Cizek, William, Nar. 18 Kvet. 1903 - Zem. 18 Rijna 1903 Cizek, Frantisek, Nar. 10 Kvet. 1909 - Zem. 17 Kvet. 1909
 Cizek, William, Nar. 18 Kvet. 1903 - Zem. 18 Rijna 1903 Cizek, Frantisek, Nar. 10 Kvet. 1909 - Zem. 17 Kvet. 1909
 Dolezal, Charles 1892 - 1963 Dolezal, Kathryn 1888 - 1946
 Dostal, Edward 1929 Dostal, Albin 1929 Sons of Frank & Anna Dostal
 Dostal, Edward 10 Aug 1950 - 2 Mar 1977 Dostal, Anne 10 May 1950 -
 Dostal, Frank E. 1892 - 1988 Dostal, Anna A. 1891 - 1961
 Dostal, James A. 1900 - 1960 Dostal, Millie 1904 - 1994
 Dostal, Joseph 1860 - 1938 Dostal, Anna 1861 - 1958 Born in Czechoslovakia
 Dostal, Joseph W. 1884 - 1976 Dostal, Anna B. 1886 - 1974
 Dostal, Mary 1900 - 1999 Dostal, Lewis E. 1886 - 1971
 Dostal, William J. 1925 - 1925
 Drahos, Katerina, Narozena Roku 1837, Zemrela 31 Ledna 1899. Odpocivej [opohoji]
 Drahos, Katerina, Narozena Roku 1837, Zemrela 31 Ledna 1899. Odpocivej [opohoji]
 Dusek, Alice 1924, Baby
 Hadachek, Frank and Julia family burial plot
 Hadachek, Albina 1899 - 1992
 Hadachek, Frank 1864 - 1937, Father
 Hadachek, Julia 1874 - 1950, Mother
 Havran, Anezka H., Rozena 18 Srpna 1899, Zemrela 13 Cervence 1919
 Havran, Anezka H., Rozena 18 Srpna 1899, Zemrela 13 Cervence 1919
 Havran, Anezka H., Rozena 18 Srpna 1899, Zemrela 13 Cervence 1919
 Herink, Ernest A. 1925 - 1990 Herink, Margaret A. 1933 - Parents of Craig, Kent, Cheryl, Karen, Cindy, Kevin & Christine
 Herink, Ernest Anton, Sgt US Army, World War II, 5 Nov 1925 - 2 Sep 1990
 Herink, James D. 29 May 1934 - Herink, Mary Ann 9 Aug 1933 - 19 Mar 2008 Married 2 Oct 1956, Parents of Diane, Carol and Duane
 Herink, Vaclav and Anezka family burial plot
 Herink, Vaclav 1860 - 1947
 Herink, Anezka 1868 - 1931
 Herink, William J. 1903 - 1975 Herink, Elbie M. 1911 - 1989 Married 28 Sept 1931
 Houska, Frank 1832 - 1904, Otec Houska, Katherina 1830 - 1910, Matka
 Juska, Vaclav, zemrel 24 Pros. 1935 vStari 83 Let 5 Me. 18 Dni Juska, Marie, Zemrela 30 Kve 1925 vStari 68 Let 2 Me. 24 Dni
 Kadrmas, [Jos]ef 1856 - 1939 Kadrmas, Frantiska, Rozena 12 Zari 1856, Zemrela 1[0] Kve. 1909
 Kopecky, Fred E. 1910 - 1977 Kopecky, gladys M. 1914 -1992 Kopecky, Vernon D. 1937 -
 Kopecky, Joseph J. 1883 - 1957 Kopecky, Mary 1884 - 1952
 Kopriva, Annie 1874 - 1942, Mother
 Kopriva, George 1909 - 1929
 Kopriva, Joseph and Annie family burial plot
 Kopriva, Joseph 1874 - 1945
 Kopriva, Mary 1901 - 1902
 Krezek, Fred J. 1909 - 1984 Krezek, Mayme L. 1909 - 1977
 Krezek, Fred J. 1909 - 1984 Krezek, Mayme L. 1909 - 1977
 Kubiak, Alice 1910 - 1996
 Kubik, Frank 1912 - 1961 Kubik, Christina 1917 - 1988 Parents of Carolyn, Suzanne & John
 Kubik, Fred J. 1899 - 1986 Kubik, Eleanor T. 1900 - 1997 Parents of Leonard, Georgiana, Antone, Freddie, Rudolph & Robert
 Kubik, Mark D. 26 Mar 1986 - 24 May 2005, Son of Dan & Pat, Brother of David & Gina
 Kucera, Frank J. 1911 - 1998 Kucera, Mamie D. 1915 - Married 22 Nov 1938, Parents of John, Mary Jane, Mark & Susan
 Kucera, Joseph B. 1908 - 1997 Kucera, Margaret H. 1915 - 2006 Married 25 Nov 1941, Parents of Joanne, Judy, Nancy, Bonnie, Terry and Eleanor
 Kucera, Loren Gerard, 4 Jun 1964 Kucera, Kathy Marie, 18 Dec 1966 Kucera, Gerard Joseph, 10 Dec 1967 Children of Vitus & Hilda
 Kucera, Philip J. 1902 - 1982 Kucera, Agnes F. 1906 - 2004 Parents of Vitus, Rosie, Mary, Sr. Rose Mary, Joseph, Vaclav & Philip
 Kucera, Vaclav A. 10 Sept 1940 - 20 May 1994, Vietnam Veteran Kucera, Mary Ann 11 May 1941 God Bless our Children Tina, Chad, Barry, Bruce, Rick

 Kuchynka, Alois, Nar. 25 List. 1831, Zem. 19 Srpna 1909, Zde odpociva
 Kuchynka, Frank, Nar. 29 Cerve 1855, Zem. 5 Pros. 1924, Zde odpociva
 Kuchynky, Klara Manzelka Franka, Nar. 12 Srpna 1893, Zem. 28 Kvet. 1916, Zde odpociva
 Kuchynka, Vila, Nar. 22 Cervna 1905, Zem. 22 Cervna 1905, Zde odpociva
 Kvidera, Albert G. 1912 - 1948
 Kvidera, Joseph S. 1886 - 1989 Kvidera, Aloisie 1887 - 1961
 Kvidera, Viktor T., Nar. 21 Pros. 1913, Zem. 1 List. 1916
 Linhart, Jan 1859 - 1933, Otec Linhart, Marie 1873 - 1932, Matka
 Linhart, Karel, Zemrel 11 [?] 1904
 Nachazel, Ernest W. 1925 - 1925
 Nechanicky, Magalena 1842 - 1902 Kubik, Marie A. 1870 - 1979 Odpocivejte v Pokoji
 Nechanicky family burial plot
 Novotny, Frank and Emily family burial plot
 Novotny, Edward J. 8 Mar 1929, Son of Frank & Emily
 Novotny, Frank A. 1897 - 1965
 Novotny, Emily R. 1899 - 1985
 Novotny, Frank V. 1872 - 1949
 Novotny, Frances L. 1879 - 1959
 Novotny, John W. and Tena F. family burial plot
 Novotny, John W. 1865 - 1932
 Novotny, Tena F. 1870 - 1935
 Novotny, Edward J. 1901 - 1948, Son
 Parizek, Dianne L. 23 Jan 1951 - 18 Feb 2007
 Parizek, Donald Lee, 9 Nov 1955 - 18 Dec 2008, In Memory of
 Parizek, Douglas Lee, 19 Oct 1959 - 3 June 1984
 Parizek, Leonard G. 1918 - 1990, Dad Parizek, Rose L. 1918 - , Mom Married 30 Aug 1938, Their Children Dennis, Donna, David, Damian, Dianne, Daniel, Donald, Duane, Douglas, Debora
 Pavlicek, Joseph J. 1915 - 1987 Pavlicek, Millie M. 1919 - 1997
 Pavlicek, Joseph j., Sgt US Army, World War II, 4 Aug 1915 - 18 Mar 1987
 Pavlicek, Veronica M., 11 Mar 1948
 Petra, Charles, 8 May 1938, God Bless Our Baby
 Pitra, Vincenc and Marie family burial plot
 Pitra, Vincenc, Zemrel 23 Led. 1904, vStari 55 Roku 13 D
 Pitka, Marie, Zemrela 6 Brez 1946 vStari 91 Roku 9 M
 Podhajsky, Frank and Frantiska family burial plot
 Podhajsky, Frank 1881 - 1957, Otec
 Podhajsky, Frantiska 1882 - 1928
 Prusha, Wesley J. 1914 - 1986 Prusha, Dorothy F. 1915 - [Dec 2007]
 Sedlacek, John 1891 - 1963 Sedlacek, Julia 1897 - 1982
 Sedlacek, John F., 20 Oct 1917 - 30 May 2004
 Sedlacek, Marie 1863 - 1937 Sedlacek, Mike 1854 - 1935 Sedlacek, Joseph M. 1904 - 1951
 Sedlacek, Milo, 1926 Sedlacek, William, 1935 Infants
 Sedlacek, Milo Edward, Narozen 26 Brez. 1926, Zemrel 18 Dubna 1926
 Sevcik, Joseph J. 1891 - 1974 Sevcik, Frances 1890 - 1970 Our Father Who Art In Heaven
 Thompson, Marian L. 1929 - 2002 Thompson, Glen A. 1927 - Married 24 June 1952
 Zmolek, Blanche V. 1914 - 1998 Dau. of John M. & Emilie
 Zmolek, Donald 1922- 1998 Zmolek, Luella 1923 -
 Zmolek, Fred 1877 - 1951 Zmolek, Veronica 1885 - 1975 Parents of Marie, Edward, Helen & Lucille
 Zmolek, John M. 1873 - 1956 Zmolek, Emilie 1878 - 1969 In Thee My God I Put My Trust
 Zmolek, Louis P. 15 mar 1949 - 29 July 2002
 Zmolek, Milo and Ella family burial plot
 Zmolek, Milo J. 1901 - 1947 Zmolek, Ella P. 1903 - 1972 Parents of Delona & Delbert
 Zmolek, Stephen and Fanny family burial plot
 Zmolek, Stephen 1881 - 1938, Father
 Zmolek, Fanny 1884 - 1954, Mother
 Zmolek, George F. 1910 - 1982
 Zmolek, Todd David, son of Delbert & Wanda Zmolek, 6-8 Sept 1961
 St. Vaclav Cemetery, looking north.