These photos are a combination of several trips I have made over the last ten years to document the Harlan - Allen - Davis and related families. I want to thank Evelyn A. Davis for showing me this cemetery and the beautiful countryside where the cemetery is located.
Ken Kothe contributed a file of the inscriptions of the stones to the USGenWeb Archives in September 1997. Visit the Butler County, IAGenWeb page.
Any questions or comments, you can email me. |
 The Harlan Cemetery Association was not organized until October 6,1894, by
George Schuler, Levi Read, James Evans who was the first president, William Jamison
secretary, Theodore Ahrens treasurer, and James Harlan sexton. The annual Memorial
service brings old settlers to reminisce and a strong feeling of community spirit
is manifested at these gatherings. Harlan Cemetery can be found in Section 19 of
Pittsford Twp, one mile north and two miles west of the town of Dumont.[info from the USGenWeb Archive]
 Darling, Jennison, Born 21 Oct 1838 - Died 8 June 1887 Olivia Wife Of Jennison Darling, Born 7 Dec 1842 - Died 5 Dec 1926 Little Elmer, Born 19 June 1871 - Died 30 July 1871
 Darling, Jennison, Father
 Baby Davis, Stillborn, 27 Nov 1915 [daughter of Fred and Fleeta Miller Davis and GGgranddau of Jehu and Susannah Harlan] [Evelyn A. Davis had been with Fleeta in 1948 when this stone was last painted.]
 Baby Davis, Stillborn, 27 Nov 1915 [daughter of Fred and Fleeta Miller Davis] [and great-great-granddaughter of Jehu and Susannah Harlan]
 Baby Davis, Stillborn, 27 Nov 1915 [as it has looked for the last couple of decades and getting worse]
 Baby Davis, Stillborn, 27 Nov 1915 [a new coat of paint in August 2008]
 Baby Davis, Stillborn, 27 Nov 1915 [it was last painted in 1948 by Fleeta, original color may have been pink]
 Baby Davis, Stillborn, 27 Nov 1915 [she is buried next to her aunt, Maudie Miller]
 Davis, Lauretta, 19 Oct 1872 - 17 Mar 1969, Mother Fred S., 18 Feb 1882 - 14 Apr 1949, Father
 Davis, Harold D., 1899 - 1900 Jean E. [b.& d.] 1906 Daryl G., [b. & d.] 1907 John G. [b. & d.] 1908
 DeArmoun, J. Harvey and Catherine family burial plot
 DeArmoun, Harvey, Born 1865 - Died 1898, Gone but not forgotten
 DeArmoun, Daisy D., Dau of J. H. & C. Dearmoun, 15 Mar 1896 - 25 Apr 1896
 DeArmoun, Daisy D., Dau of J. H. & C. Dearmoun, 15 Mar 1896 - 25 Apr 1896
 DeArmoun family burial plot
 DeArmoun family burial plot
 DeArmoun, Samuel K., Died 8 Apr 1896, Aged 76 yr 6 mo 12 dys, Asleep in Jesus
 DeArmoun, Esther, Wife of S. K. DeArmoun, Died 30 Dec 1919, Aged 91 Yrs 11 Ms & 16 Dys [nee Harlan]
 DeArmoun, S. B., 1876 - 1953, Vogel Funeral Home
 Dickman, Edith Mae, 1926 - 1927, Daughter of Henry and Effie
 Endriss, Virgil E., 1909 - 1978 Dorothy Long, 1914 - 1978
 Fleisher, Irma (Allen), 1915 - 2000 Kyle C., 1911 - 1994 Parents of Penelope & Holly
 Gibson, J. E. and F. J. family burial plot Parents of Anita and Orville
 Gibson, Orville, Son of J. E. and F. J. Gibson, Born 30 June 1902, Died 13 Nov 1902, Our Baby
 Gibson, Orville, Son of J. E. and F. J. Gibson, Born 30 June 1902, Died 13 Nov 1902, Our Baby
 Gibson, Anita Irene, Dau of J. F. and E. J., Born 20 Aug 1896, Died 8 Sept 1898, Our Darling Weep not for Anita Her gentle spirit flew She sweetly sleeps in Jesus Among the silent dead.
 Gibson Dear lovely babe, to part with you Hath racked our hearts with pain; But though our loss is great, we trust Tis your eternal gain.
 Gibson, Anita Irene, Dau of J. F. and E. J., Born 20 Aug 1896, Died 8 Sept 1898, Our Darling
 Gourley, Rev. John and Jane family burial plot
 Gourley, Rev. John, 12 Feb 1832 - 3 July 1921 Jane, Wife of, Rev. John Gourley, Died 24 May 1896
 "Papa" Gourley, Rev. John, 12 Feb 1832 - 3 July 1921
 "Mama" Gourley, Jane, Wife of Rev. John, Died 24 May 1896
 Gourley, Margaret, Wife of Rev. John Gourley, Died 6 Jan 1910
 Hall, William and Melvina family burial plot
 Hall, Mary L., 1827 - 1917, Mother
 Hall, Melvina, 1860 - 1942 William 1860 - 1947 Mary L., 1827 - 1917, Mother
 Hall, George L., 19 Sept 1898 - 26 July 1953, Son
 Hall, William and Melvina family burial plot
 Hall, William and Melvina family burial plot
 Hamilton, William and M. family burial plot
 Hamilton, Mother, 2 May 1844 - 13 Feb 1937 [M., wife of W.]
 Hamilton, William, Died 5 June 1883, Aged 59 Ys 2 Ms 15 Ds Servant of God well done rest from the _____
The battle's fought the victory's won Enter thy master's joy
 Hamilton, Oliver E., Son of W. & M. Hamilton, Died 5 May 1887, Aged 3 Ys 5 Ms 15 Ds
 Hamilton, Oliver E., Son of W. & M. Hamilton, Died 5 May 1887, Aged 3 Yrs 5 Mos 15 Ds
 Hammond, Jessie M., 1899 - 1936, Mother
 Hanawalt, Mary A., 1882 - 1954 George W., 1881 - 1961
 Hanawalt, Harriet K., 1847 - 1938 Henry W., 1842 - 1893
 Hanawalt, Maud E., 1888 - 1889
 Hanawalt, Elisha B., 1868 - 1891
 Hance, Etta Laura, dau of H. G. & Eva Hance, 10 Aug 1885 - 6 Feb 1891
 Harlan, Bruce Wayne, SP4 US Army, 3 Apr 1947 - 9 Jun 1995
 Harlan, Dorothy, 17 Jul 1902 - 14 Sept 1995 Claude W., 24 May 1899 - 29 June 1976
 Harlan, Earl W., 25 Aug 1894 - 17 Nov 1958
 Harlan, Georgia, Wife of E. W. Harlan, 3 Dec 1896 - 25 Oct 1929 [nee Lumley]
 Harlan, James and Matilda family burial plot
 Harlan, Mary E., Died 26 Aug 1859, Aged 11 M's 3 D's. [daughter of James and Matilda]
 Harlan, Sarah E., Died 31 Aug 1859, Aged 2 Y's 7 M's 4 D [daughter of James and Matilda]
 Harlan, Infant, Born & Died 23 Jun 1860 [child of James and Matilda]
 Harlan, Matilda, Wife of James Harlan, Died 20 July 1896, Aged 65 Y'rs 10 M's 3 D's "Mother" [nee Crissinger]
 Harlan, James, Died 14 Dec 1911, Aged 82 Yrs 3 M's 14 D's "Father"
 Harlan, James, Died 14 Dec 1911, Aged 82 Yrs 3 M's 14 D's Matilda, Wife of James Harlan, Died 20 July 1896, Aged 65 Y'rs 10 M's 3 D's
 Harlan, James and Matilda family tombstone
 Harlan, Mary E., Died 26 Aug 1859, Aged 11 M's 3 D's Sarah E., Died 31 Aug 1859, Aged 2 Y's 7 M's 4 D Infant, Born & Died 23 June 1860. Children of James & M. Harlan
 Harlan, J. T. 1866 - 1935 [James Thaddeus]
 Harlan, F. D. 1869 - 1945 [Fannie D.]
 Harlan, Inf. Son of J. T. & F. D. Harlan [b. & d.] 1900
 Harlan, Jehu, Died 9 Dec 1855, Aged 63 Ys. 3 Ms. 2 Ds. Susannah His Wife, Died 18 Sept 1869, Aged 63 Ys. 3 Ms. 12 Ds. "Mother" on the left, "Father" on the right
 Harlan, Flora M. 1875 - 1965 John C. 1864 - 1934
 Harlan, Lula Jane and Duane Meehan tombstones
 Harlan, Lula Jane, 16 Aug 1898 - 23 Mar 1979
 Meehan, Duane 1908 - 1909
 Harlan, Marvin L., USMC WWII, 1923 - 1993 Wanda J. Becker, 1927 - 1998 Married 16 July 1945 Parents of Linda, Phyllis, Gloria, Brian, Joy, Dawn & Travis
 Harlan, Nathaniel and Nancy Jane family burial plot
 Harlan, Weldon W., Son of N. & N. J. Harlan, Died 17 Aug 1891, Aged 10 Yrs. 8 Ms. 26 Ds.
 Harlan, Weldon W., Son of N. & N. J. Harlan, Died 17 Aug 1891, Aged 10 Yrs. 8 Ms. 26 Ds.
 Harlan, Weldon W., Son of N. & N. J. Harlan, Died 17 Aug 1891, Aged 10 Yrs. 8 Ms. 26 Ds.
 Harlan, Nancy Jane, 11 Sept 1846 - 10 Oct 1930, Mother [nee Allen]
 Harlan, Nathaniel and Nancy Jane family tombstone
 Harlan, Nathaniel, 8 Nov 1844 - 23 Dec 1910, Father
 Harlan, Neil E., 1921 - 1973 Minnie A., 1925 - 1997 Parents of Neilla, Bruce, Michael, David, Georgia & Dwight
 Harlan, Neil E., TEC 5 3230 ENGR SVC BN, World War II, 20 May 1921 - 5 Apr 1972
 Harlan, Quinten E., 16-17 Aug 1971, Son of David & Carolyne [buried with Earl and Georgia]
 Allen, Susannah, Wife of J. W. Allen, Died 25 Apr 1883, Aged 43 Ys 11 Ms 2 Ds [nee Harlan] Oh sing to me of heaven And I am called to die Sing songs of holy ecstasy To waft my soul on high.
 Harlan, Margie L., 24 Mar 1914 - 17 June 1986, Mother W. Leslie, 24 Nov 1904 - 24 Dec 1947, Father
 Harlan, Shirley J., Dau. of W. L. & M. L. Harlan, 28 Jan - 13 May 1930
 Harlan, Walter L. and Mary family burial plot
 Harlan, Irene, 14 Apr 1902 - 1 Jan 1903 Carl H., 2 Apr 1892 - 24 Jan 1894 Children of W. L. & M. Harlan
 Harlan, Chas. C., Co. A. 56. Inft. I.N.G., 18 Jun 1890 - 19 Sept 1913, vet
 Harlan, Mary, 22 Jan 1870 - 12 June 1927
 Harlan, Walter L., 14 Mar 1867 - 14 Jun 1944
 Harper, A. E. and Lillie B. family burial plot
 Harper, Albert E., 1866 - 1957, Father
 Harper, Lillie B., 1867 - 1904, Mother
 Hansell, Gladys, 1893 - 1924, Daughter [daughter of Albert and Lillie Harper]
 Harper, Nellie B., 1890 - 1960, Mother Arthur H., 1892 - 1970, Father
 Harper, Everall G. [b. & d.] 1910, Son [son of Arthur and Nellie]
 Harper, Ruth S., 1919 - 2000, Daughter [daughter of Arthur and Nellie]
 Harper, Ira A., 1924 - 1999, Son [son of Arthur and Nellie]
 Harper, Charley and Hattie family burial plot
 Harper, Gone but not forgotten Charley A. Harper, 1864 - 1934 Hattie E. Harper, 1867 - 1908 Alvin R. Harper, 1904 - 1909
 Harper, Charley A., 1864 - 1934
 Harper, Charley A., 1864 - 1934
 Harper, Hattie E., 1867 - 1908
 Harper, Hattie E., 1867 - 1908
 Harper, Alvin R., 1904 - 1909
 Harper, Alvin R., 1904 - 1909
 Harper, Mable J., 1882 - 1946, Mother [buried with Charley and Hattie]
 Harper, Cecil R., Iowa, Staff Sgt 362 Inf 91 Div, World War II 15 Apr 1915 - 17 Mar 1945
 Harper, Lavonne A., 11 Jul 1913 - 15 Sept 1973, Wife of Cecil Harper
 Harper, Pamela S., 1944 - Charles D., 1941 - Parents of Michael & Susan
 Harper, melissa A., 8 July 1890 - 15 May 1969 Clarence C., 24 Jan 1890 - 22 Oct 1967 Parents of Orville, Rolland & Kenneth
 Stover - Harper family tombstones
 Harper, Valera E., 1921 - 1997 Cletis H., 1915 - 1964 Parents of Charles, Daryl, Steven, Ralph, Wayne
 Leese, Iva M. Harper, 1884 - 1917
 Harper, John and Nancy family burial plot
 Harper, John, 1850 - 1930, Father
 Harper, Nancy, 1856 - 1936, Mother
 Harper, Carolyn K., 29 May 1942 - 13 Mar 2007 Larry D., 5 Mar 1939 - Married 22 Jul 1981 Parents of Larry Jr. and Jason
 Harper, Nola M., 1907 - Orville C., 1908 - 1992 Parents of Ronald
 Harper, Ronald E., 4-7 Aug 1928, Son [son of Orville and Nola]
 Harper, Lorna E., 11 Jan 1919 - 2 June 1994 Rolland R., 14 June 1916 - 13 Jan 1994 Parents of Arlene, Darlene, Larry
 Harper, Rosa R., Wife of W. H. Harper, Born 20 May 1845, Died 9 Dec 1900
 Harper, Rosa R., Wife of W. H. Harper, Born 20 May 1845, Died 9 Dec 1900
 Harper, W. H., Died 11 Mar 1884, Aged 68 Ys 4 Mo & 26 Days
 Harper, Wayne K., 1947 - Donna D., 1949 - 2004 Parents of Denise, Jodie and Shawn
 Harper, Sophia E., 5 Sept 1891 - 8 Apr 1956, Mother Willie W., 24 July 1890 - 1 Oct 1967
 Harris, Edyth L., 27 Sept 1889 - 26 Nov 1965
 Hartgrave, Arthur W., Iowa, Pvt 1 CL 668 Aero Sq, 6 June 1943
 Hartgrave, Sina Ann, 1829 - 1892 John R., 1824 - 1909
 Hawver, Alfred, 19 Jun 1839 - 18 Jan 1912 Sarah Hawver, 16 Jan 1849 - 27 Mar 1932
 Hawver, Ena B. 1889 - 1967 Earl C., 1885 - 1966
 Helt, John and Anna family burial plot
 Helt, Anna, Wife of John Helt, Born 20 May 1846 - 25 June 1910 Farwell mother but not forever There will be a glorious dawn We shall meet to part no more On the resurrection morn.
 Helt, Frank, 18 Oct 1871 - 2 Mar 1894
 Helt, Albert, 10 Sept 1878 - 27 Aug 1911 He is not dead but sleepeth



 [Helt] Harlan, Gladys M., 17 Mar 1905 - 16 Oct 1997, Mother of Mildred, Raymond and [?]
 Helt, Peter and Effie family burial plot
 Helt, Effie White, 1879 - 1965, Mother Peter, 1872 - 1974, Father
 Helt, Fletcher [b. & d.] 1903, Son of Peter and Effie Helt
 Helt, Frank R., 1900 - 1972
 Hilliker, Carrie L., 1888 - 1949 Fred E., 1880 - 1954
 [Based on Ken Kothe's file I believe this to be:] Holmes, Maggie, Wife of S. A. Holmes, 19 Feb 1866 - 21 May 1893
 Hyde, James, Died 13 Nov 1887, Aged 51 Ys. 11 Ms. & 19 Ds.
 Hyde, James, Died 13 Nov 1887, Aged 51 Ys. 11 Ms. & 19 Ds.
 Hyde, Josephine Frazier, 1839 - 1920
 Hyde, Albert A., Son of J & & Hyde, Died 12 Dec 1890, Aged 29 Ys. 11 Mo. 28 Ds.
 Hyde, Alfred, 24 Mar - 3 Apr 1893 [buried with James and Josephine Hyde]