These photos are a combination of several trips I have made over the last ten years to document the Harlan - Allen - Davis and related families. I want to thank Evelyn A. Davis for showing me this cemetery and the beautiful countryside where the cemetery is located.
Ken Kothe contributed a file of the inscriptions of the stones to the USGenWeb Archives in September 1997. Visit the Butler County, IAGenWeb page.
Any questions or comments, you can email me. |
 Harlan Cemetery is not only named for Jehu Harlan who died in 1855 but I would guess that there are more Harlan family members here than any other family, which would include extended family relatives. I know of at least 116 burials that are related to Jehu Harlan, most likely, there are more.
 Ray, James family burial plot
 Ray, James, Died 5 Apr 1901, Aged 80 Ys 5 Ms 21 Ds
 [Based on Ken Kothe's file I believe this to be:] Holmes, Maggie, Wife of S. A. Holmes, 19 Feb 1866 - 21 May 1893
 Ray, Eleanor, 13 Sept 1861 - 1 Mar 1879
 Ray, Edith M., Dau of J. & M., Died 20 Aug 1873
 Ray, Margarete, Wife of James, Died 14 Dec 1893, Aged 60 Ys 3 Ms 29 Ds, Mother
 Ray, James, Died 5 Apr 1901, Aged 80 Ys 5 Ms 21 Ds, Father
 Ray, John and Mary family burial plot
 Ray, John 1855 - 1939 Mary His Wife, 1856 - 1926 Chester 1885 - 1934 Precious ones from us has gone Voices we loved are stilled, A place is vacant in our home Which never can be filled. God in his wisdom has recalled The boon his love had given, And though the body slumbers here, The soul is safe in heaven.
 Ray, John 1855 - 1939
 Ray, Mary
 Ray, Chester 1885 - 1934
 Ray, Joseph A. 1868 - 1928
 Ray, Grace Carberry, 1875 - 1914, Wife of Joseph Ray
 Boylan, Beth Ray, 18 Nov 1913 - 27 July 1939, Mother
 Reid, William T., 17 Mar 1866 - 24 Nov 1945, Husband
 Richard, Anna 1878 - 1929, Mother
 Richard, Frances Luella [child of Charles G. and Minnie Richard]
 Richard, Esther Mae 1911 - 1920 [child of Charles G. and Minnie Richard]
 Richard, Ralph Roy 1919 - 1919 [child of Charles G. and Minnie Richard]
 Richard, Wilma Lucile 1913 - 1927 [child of Charles G. and Minnie Richard]
 Scarrow, Lavina 1858 - 1943
 Scarrow, Alexander 1857 - 1941
 Scarrow, Melissa 1884 - 1978
 Scarrow, Gertie A. 1894 - 1935
 Scarrow, Russell 1901 - 1977
 Schmitz, Robie T., Son of R. & G. Schmitz, Died 4 Aug 1881, Aged 2 Ys 2 Ms
 Schuler, Alfred N. 1909 - 1957, Father Schuler, Malverna R. 1912 - 1980, Mother
 Schuler, Alfred 1871 - 1966 Schuler, Mary 1872 - 1952
 Schuler, Mona 1902 - 1995 Schuler, Geo. A. 1901 - 1940
 Schuler, George and Ella family burial plot
 Schuler, George, 12 May 1843 - 5 Apr 1933 Schuler, Ella Manda, Died 7 Mar 1889, Aged 41 Y's, 8 M's, & 8 D's.
 Schuler, Sarah L. 1862 - 1924, Mother
 Schuler, Ella
 Schuler, George, Co. C. 31st. IA. Inf.
 Schuler, Cora B., 17 Sept 1867 - 17 Jun 1959 Schuler, Joseph H., 23 Sept 1867 - 3 May 1957
 Schuler, Virgil J., 6 Oct 1906 - 18 Mar 1938, Father
 Schuler, Harold Ed, Iowa, SN US Navy, Korea, 30 May 1933 - 7 Feb 1955

 Schuler, William F. 1874 - 1926, Father
 Schuler, Wilfred L. 1912 - 1937, Son [son of William F. Schuler]
 Selix, Jonathan, Son of G. H. & O. L. Selix, Died 22 June 1884, Aged 11 Dys Suffer little children to come unto me
 Selix, Mabel A., Dau. of M. R. & W. H. Selix, Died 16 Sept 1886, Aged
 Seward, Harley and Iva family burial plot
 Seward, Harley E. 1891 - 1921, Father
 Seward, Iva Bakeman 1894 - 1968, Mother
 Simmons family burial plot
 Simmons, Leroy M., Pvt., 1922 - 1944
 Simmons, Helen Oma 1900 - 1988
 Smith, C. T. and Harriet C. family burial plot
 Smith, C. T., 12 Nov 1817 - 19 Mar 1893 Smith, Harriet C., Wife of C. T. Smith, 24 Aug 1827 - 8 Mar 1889 At rest.
 Smith, C. T., 12 Nov 1817 - 19 Mar 1893, Father
 Smith, Harriet C., Wife of C. T. Smith, 24 Aug 1827 - 8 Mar 1889, Mother
 Sniffin, Ida M. 1891 - 1980 Sniffin, Bert G. 1882 - 1948
 Sniffin, Shirley E., HA1 US Navy, World War II, 14 Apr 1922 - 16 Aug 2000
 Sniffin, Shirley E. 1922 - 2000, Veteran WW II
 Stirm, Bernice 1910 - 1978 Stirm, Clifford B. 1904 - 1948
 Stock, Alice M. 1908 - 2007 Stock, Charles A. 1893 - 1972 Parents of Robert, James, Marlys, Myrna, Sharon & Larry
 Stock, Lois Lou Harlan, 18 Oct 1929 - Stock, Francis L., WWII - Korea, 12 Jul 1925 - 5 May 2001 Married 8 July 1962 Father of Rodney & Ronald
 Stover, Wilna G., Deceased, Married 14 Sept 1941 Stover, Walter A. 1920 - , Married Valera Harper 14 Feb 1995 Parents of Walter A. Stover Jr.
 Tabor family burial plot
 Tabor, Sarah B., Died 10 Aug 1894, Aged 51 Yrs. 6 Ms. 8 Ds.
 Tabor, Sarah B., Mother
 Tabor, Alfred, Died 14 Jan 1908, Aged 71 Yrs. 8 Ms. 21 Ds.
 Tabor, Alfred, Died 14 Jan 1908, Aged 71 Yrs. 8 Ms. 21 Ds.
 Tabor, Alfred, Father
 Thornberry, William and Margaret family burial plot
 Thornberry, William, Died 20 Nov 1889, Aged 84 Ys 29 Ds Dearest loved one we must lay here In the peaceful grave's embrace. But thy memory will be cherished Till we see thy heavenly face.
 Thornberry, William, Father
 Thornberry, Margaret, Wife of William Thornberry, 6 Mar 1829 - 8 May 1907
 Thornberry, Mother [Margaret] God in his wisdom has recalled The boon his love had given. And though the body slumbers here The soul is safe in heaven.
 Thornberry, Margaret, Dau. of W. & M. Thornberry, Born 2 Oct 1865, Died 1 Mar 1892
 Tucker, Leonard O. 1897 - 1976, Father Tucker, Mabel L. 1899 - 1974
 Tucker, William and Viena family burial plot
 Tucker, William K., Died 17 Jan 1911, Aged 84 Ys 8 Ms 22 Ds, Father
 Tucker, Viena 1854 - 1932, Mother
 Tucker, William C. 1850 - 1934, Father
 Uhlenhopp, Oma 1895 - 1987 Uhlenhopp, Dick 1897 - 1969
 Miller, Emma 1864 - 1950, Mother [nee Van Riper]
 Voss, Emma 1875 - 1940
 Vought, Keith L. (Shorty), 16 Mar 1918 - 29 Jan 1989 Vought, Lilah B. (Harlan), 20 May 1914 - 11 Jan 2007 Married 21 Feb 1959
 Watterson, Daniel and Annie family burial plot
 Watterson, Daniel 1847 - 1911 Watterson, Annie J. 1861 - 1952
 Watterson, Annie Jane 1861 - 1952
 Watterson, John C., Son of D. & A. J. Watterson, 1 Dec 1881 - 4 Apr 1902
 Watterson, Margaret M. 1884 - 1980
 White, Mary C. 1855 - 1933 White, Nathan 1852 - 1887
 Whitmore, M. A. and M. L. family burial plot
 Whitmore, M. A. and M. L. family burial plot
 Whitmore, Rev. M. A., Husband of M. L. Whitmore, Died 25 Apr 1888, Aged 71 Ys. 6 Ms. 22 Ds. The pains of death are past. Labor and sorrow cease, This life's long warfare closed at last His soul is found in peace.
 Hartgraves, Mary, Dau. of Rev. M. & M. L. Whitmore, 20 Oct 1872 - 31 May 1893 We miss her at home.
 Hartgraves, Mary, Dau. of Rev. M. & M. L. Whitmore, 20 Oct 1872 - 31 May 1893
 Whitmore, Olive G., Dau of Rev. M. & M. L. Whitmore, Died 14 mar 1891, Aged 16 Ys 4 Ms 14 Ds
 Whitmore, Olive G., Dau of Rev. M. & M. L. Whitmore, Died 14 mar 1891, Aged 16 Ys 4 Ms 14 Ds
 Woodley, D. L. "Dub" 1895 - 1975 Woodley, Vera B. 1894 - 1973 Married 25 Feb 1914
 Woodley, Mott, 24 Dec 1915, Infant son of Dub & Vera
 Woodley, Fred J. 1882 - 1925, Papa, At Rest
 Woodley, Fred J. 1882 - 1925
 Woodley, Minnie J., 28 Oct 1885 - 24 Sept 1961, Mother
 Woodley, Elsie 1912 - 1978, In Memory Of
 Woodley, John and Grace family burial plot
 Woodley, Grace M. 1872 - 1931 Woodley, John H. 1867 - 1939
 Woodley, Florence M. 1893 - 1893
 Woodley, Bernice C. 1906 - 1907
 Woodley, Richard and Jane family burial plot
 Woodley, Richard R. 1831 - 1885
 Woodley, Jane A. 1843 - 1925
 Woodley, Ronald D. 1927 - 1931, Son [son of Glen and Wilma L. Woodley, Glen was a construction truck driver in 1930]
 Worley, Inez 1905 - 1909 Worley, Alice 1910 - 1964 Worley, Nellie 1883 - 1953 Worley Charles E. 1876 - 1949
 Wright, John, Died 31 May 1871, Aged 72 ys 2 ms 21 ds
 Yenter, P. A. and A. J. family burial plot Yenter, Alma J. [died] 1909
 Yenter, Donald A., Son of P. A. & A. J. Yenter, 28 Sept 1906 - 2 May 1907
 Youndt, Abraham, CO. F., 7 IA. CAV.
 Working to read a stone I looked up and saw this view. I took a couple of pictures before going back to what I was doing. These tombstones, and others, are works of art, created by the neccessity of life, that we might remember the people, learn their stories and the history they created for all time.
 Looking East with the sunset to my back, I'm always thrilled at the beauty all around us. Include this with the smells and sounds, with the breeze all around and it becomes a more complete picture.